Definition of Wholesale
Definition of wholesale

Definition of Wholesale

What is wholesale?

The definition of wholesale is when somenone buys goods in large quantities direclty from the distributors or the manufacturers. When he do that , then he warehouse the goods in addition to resale them to other suppliers or retailers. Due to the hight quantities purchases , wholesalers are able to buy goods at lower prices. That means that also their clients can buy goods in better prices.

On AvsGroup you can find hight quality brands as Mango, Jennyfer, Pimkie, Sheego, Tally Weijl in the best prices.


Wholesaling distribution

A wholesaler buy from a distributor and sell to a retailer so the goods been sold to the end user. A wholesale goods supplier source for up-to-date goods to make sure that he can supply his retailers with trending products that are in fashion.

AvsGroup source and select the most up-to-date products for his customers. Our priorities is hight quality and low prices in trending goods.

Why to choose buying from a wholesaler

  • Save money
  • Sell in better prices than other retailers
  • Make good profit from your sales
  • Find in fashion designs

Why AvsGroup

AvsGroup team trying to source and find goods from clothing , shoes and accessories that are hight quality in the best prices in the market. We collect our goods from named brands and we warehouse them to our facilities in Greece. Contact with us to make an appointment and see out goods.

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